Best Practices In Teaching, Learning, and Technology Integration

Welcome to my Blog! I hope to share innovative information that I learn about technology integration and best practices in teaching and learning. Combined with good instructional strategies, technology integration is the key for creating an engaging and rigorous environment for students. Feel free to join the site and follow my blog posts. I look forward to interacting with you and adding you to my Professional Learning Network. Thank you!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How I Used Edmodo in the Mathematics Classroom

Below, beginning with the word "Share," is a link to a Wallwisher wall where my students commented on their experience using Edmodo in the computer lab. Students were sent an assignment, with links to video instruction, practice (with immediate feedback), and problems to turn in. The front load work was a bit tedious at first, but now I have it down. Edmodo allows you to save URL links, files, and embeddable content to your library. So, when I see something that I may use in the future, I save it there. Then, while planning for a block, Edmodo allows me to send any chosen items to a "shared" folder for the class of my choice. Talk about differentiating instruction!!! I love this technology because with the assignments feature, I can prescribe lessons for students, based on their needs. I welcome any comments or questions. I am working on a rubric for students to use. If you know of any, let me know. I am thinking of "tweaking" one that was used in my graduate studies for a blackboard assignment. I will post it when I am done. has a Facebook interface that the students absolutely enjoy. They can ask questions to each other or me. They can be silly (with limitations). They can share their personality, which is very important to young adolescents. I am most happy with the security features: 1. No outsiders allowed 2. No private chatting 3. Teachers can edit or delete student entries

Share what you worked on today, and tell if and how the computer lab setting was beneficial to you. Do you have any ideas to improve this use of time? by amccord

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